We have reached the last section of Blocks for our Gypsy Wife Quilt Along. Section 10 has quite a few blocks in it, 11 of them, but they are not too difficult so I have decided to lump them all into one group and get them done.

I must admit that I have made a mistake. We will make a block in this section that we actually need to swap out with one in Section 6, the diagram that I was cross referencing with had a mistake in it and I did not catch it until I put them up on the design wall and noticed that one block was smaller than the one below it and on the layout diagram they appeared to be the same size. I will list all the blocks we need to make as usual, and than point out which one we need to swap out, hopefully this doesn't cause you too many issues.
Onto the blocks, there is 1 Focus block and 10 fillers, and the while section is pictured on page 31.
Focus Block
Puss in the Corner, pg 13 -- make 1 with border
Filler Blocks
Pinwheel Block, pg 19 -- make 1, finished size 3"
Hourglass Block, pg 21, -- make 1, finished size 5" (this block will actually end up going into section 6)
Square in a Square Block, pg 22-- make 3, finished size 3"
-- make 1, finished size 3.5"
-- make 2, finished size 4"
Square in a Square with Pinwheel Center, pg 23, -- make 1, finished size 5.5"
Square in a Square with Courthouse Steps, pg 24 -- make 1, finished size 7"

Puss in the Corner, we made this block once already way back in Section 1, the only difference this time around is that we are going to add a border to make it a little larger.

Pinwheel Block, for this block I used a bunch of premade half square triangles that I had from a previous stitch and flip blocks, if I hadn't had these on hand, I would have cut my squares at the half inch increment rather than the eighth and than trimmed after they were pieced.

Hourglass Block, so this block is actually going to end up in Section 6, I apologize for not catching on to this earlier, I went through all my papers over and over but this one missed my eye. The block itself is straightforward, we need to make a hourglass following the instructions in the previous column, and than add a border and than add some triangles to the outer edges. The instructions are a little funny, because it first says 2" finished and than at the end it says 5" Finished, but the inner hourglass is what the first measurement refers too and than we add to bring it up to the 5".

Square in a Square Blocks, what would a section in this quilt be without some square in a square blocks? We need to make 6 this go around in three different sizes. I made all 6 at the same time so that I could chain piece. I cut them and laid them out in a neat row, and it worked really well, and was quicker than doing one at a time would have been.

Square in a Square with Pinwheel Center, for this block the instructions are on page 23, beginning about halfway through the left hand column. The pinwheel the pattern is referring to is made on page 19 at the bottom of the right hand column so you will need to flip back to that page to first make the pinwheel, than return to page 23 to complete the block. I did cut the squares for the pinwheel slightly larger for trimming room.

Square in a Square with Courthouse Steps, we have made this block before in a variety of sizes, this time around we need to make it so that it finishes at 7". There are two 7" finished blocks on page 24, and we will be making the latter one, it has a larger center square, and smaller round 1 borders.

The block that we need from section 6 to swap with is the 5.5" finished square in a square with courthouse steps.
So the square in a square with courthouse steps will actually go into Section 10 and the Hourglass Block will go into section 6.
And that is it, we have finished making all the blocks for the quilt. Next we need to cut some strips and put it all together. I have two blog posts scheduled for this one, not that it needs lots of explaining but it is time consuming.
From our Facebook Group I see that many of you have been able to keep up, and if you fell behind you managed to get back on track. This is amazing and I love the variety between them all.
I love seeing quilts in person and so I would love to do a final reveal party at our shop. I will put together a few dates and post them on June 11 and hopefully one of them will work for a number of people to attend so that we can do a little show and tell.
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