It's time for another Gypsy Wife Section. This week we will be doing Section 7. This section is comprised of 7 filler blocks. The full section is pictured on page 29 of your pattern booklet.

Pg 22: Square in a Square Blocks -- 3" Finished -- make 3 (1 will be used as the center for another block)
Pg 22: Square in a Square Blocks -- 4" Finished -- make 2
Pg 22-23: Square in a square with Pinwheel centers -- 5" finished -- make 1
Pg 23: Bordered Square in a Square Blocks -- 7" Finished -- make 1
Pg 23-24: Square in a Square with Courthouse Steps: 4" Finished -- make 1

Square in a Square Blocks: We have made several of these already and we need to make a few more for this weeks section, 5 in total, although one of them we will use as a center for another block.

When cutting for these blocks make sure all the squares are cut accurately, and when layering the squares to sew ensure that the raw edges are neatly lined up. If you are finding that your squares are shifting while sewing, it can help to put a pin through, or a dab of glue in the section that will be trimmed off. Be sure to sew corner to corner, and you can also fold it open before trimming to see if the new "corner" lines up with the previous raw edges, if not sew a little more to the outer edge.

Square in a Square with Pinwheel Center: The instructions for the pinwheel center can be found on page 19, be sure to follow the cutting directions for the 2.5" finished block.
If you are careful when trimming the squares from your 4" square in a square blocks, you can use those scraps to piece the Half Square Triangles needed for the pinwheel. (I did make my trimmings into HSTs but did not end up using them for this pinwheel, but added them to my collection of Half Square Triangles)
Once you have your pinwheel made, you can flip back to page 23 and follow the instructions on the bottom of that page and the top of page 24 to cut and add the borders and the extra corners.

Bordered Square in a Square: We need the extra square in a square block here, and we will add 2 borders to make it a little larger. Add the borders to the top and bottom first than the sides, than repeat for the second border. If you find these blocks are coming out a little smaller than they should you can your outer border a half inch wider and than trim the block to the correct size. Or make your seam allowance a little smaller and see if that helps.

Square in a Square with Courthouse Steps: This block is fairly straightforward and we have it before in other sizes. I once again cut my outer squares a little larger than directed and trimmed the finished block to the correct size.

These are the final blocks for the right hand side of the quilt! I like to break my quilts up and celebrate small accomplishments, can you tell? I am getting anxious to finish my quilt, and I am glad that there are just 3 sections left, and than the strips, and final assembly.
How are your blocks coming? Are you caught up , falling behind, perhaps setting aside some time during the Easter break to sew?