Welcome to October, here in Southern Alberta we are actually experiencing fall for a change and it is so nice! For the past few years it has snowed a lot on the first weekend of October so it nice to be having some temperatures in the 20s and getting to actually see the fall leaves before they are covered in snow.
With it being October it means it is time for another set of blocks in our Woodland Wonderland Block of The Month. I am loving pulling this out each month and making a few blocks, and the set of all the finished ones is starting to look really fun!
We are on Chapter 4 of our little pattern booklet already. All the instructions start on page 20.
Although the pattern says that your red solid is added as yardage, when I made up the kits I put it in as a fat quarter, so keep that in mind under the cutting instructions you will need to cut 2 strips, rather than 1 they call for, as you piece is half of the wof.
Also rather than cutting the strips of green 1, ivory 1, red print and chambray at 3/8ths or 7/8ths I moved it up to the next increments so 1/2 inch and a full inch and it gave me a little room to trim later on when constructing.
I used the same colors as the swatches on the bottom of page 20, and in the same order as well.
The piecing for each block is straightforward. It may help you to lay the pieces all out on your table or a design board to keep them straight, and make sure all the triangles and wreath sections stay pointed in the right direction.
When making the Pinecone Block, if you cut the full inch as well rather than 7/8ths you can trim the first step 2 section so that there is a 1/4" seam allowance at the intersection, than sew on piece B press and trim to the size stated.
For the Snow Crystal Block, I stacked the ivory and chambray strips right sides together than cut the squares of each together, this way they were stacked nicely when I went to sew them and I didn't need to line up those little pieces. I also drew a line down the center of a, c, e, and f and sewed a 1/4" on each side of the line than cut them apart, rather than cutting into triangles prior to sewing. Pressing open as suggested will remove a lot of bulk, and make sure you trim those Half Square Triangles before you assemble your block, it may seem tedious but it is so worth it in the end.

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