This evening I want to share with you a little background information on a very popular designer in our shop... Corey Yoder.
Corey is married and together they have two girls and live in Ohio. Though she has Amish family members in both her family and her husband's family she is not Amish.
Even though she grew up around sewing and quilting she did not begin sewing until after she was married.
She began buying fabric before she started sewing, when she did start sewing it was children's clothing. When her second daughter was born she moved her focus more into quilting. Her business name is Coriander Quilts and is a play on Corey and her quilts.
Corey Yoder has been a fabric designer for Moda Fabrics since 2014 and has had 11 collections printed and 1 that is showing to shops right now and will ship early next year. Aside from fabrics she also designs patterns under Coriander Quilts as well.
We have ordered many of her collections into our shop. Ash and Apricot is the latest collection in our shop, Holliberry a Christmas line was released early this summer.
Canning Day from this past spring and Sugar Creek from last fall are also still available on our shop floor. We also have a few pieces left of LuLu Lane, Flower Mill, and Sunnyside Up left in our storage room if you are looking for an older print to finish off a project.

Spring Brook releases early next year and we have that collection on order as well. Her collections are all designed around the same soft color palette and though they vary quite a bit with each collection with different prints and a different focus color group all her collections do blend nicely together and work great for "scrap" quilts if you don't particularly like doing scrappy quilts or are scared to venture into that domain.
Corey is super active on Instagram with posts nearly everyday that give you glimpse into her family life, what she is working on, her new fabric collections and patterns and a Sunday Slowdown post every Sunday that makes you stop and think. Follow her @corianderquilts She is also on Facebook under the same name.
Esther and I met her at Quilt Market a couple years back and she is so sweet, friendly and easy to chat with.

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