It is time again to share some of the projects all of us at the shop are currently working on. We often get asked who makes our samples and if we do the sewing at the shop or at our home. In answer to that, nearly all the employees make quilts for the shop, and we all work on them at home on our own time. When the fabric is gone, it is up to the maker what they do with the project they made. Some of us give them away as gifts, sell them, or donate them to various organizations.
So here we go with our current works in progress:

Esther is using the Hearts at Home Pattern by Chelsi Stratton, the Creative Grids Log Cabin Ruler and Just Red Fabric by Zen Chic to make these adorable Blocks. She is also teaching a class on the Log Cabin Rulers in a couple weeks if you would like to learn how to make them too. You can sign up for that

Esther is also working on a fun quilt using Llama Love by Deb Strain, and her Lori Holt Vintage Housewife blocks are coming along nicely!

Tammy is working on some super cute runners right now. She is using a couple Accuquilt GO Dies to make the cutting super quick and easy, and all the fabrics are from the Summer Sweet Collection by Sherri & Chelsi.

Laura is finishing her Loveliness Quilt using Sugarcreek by Corey Yoder, she hopes to have it completed by Saturday so we can put it on display. We have kits in the shop for the quilt if you want to make one too!
Carrie picked out a new project on Thursday using a Digital Panel and some Hoffman Batiks for coordinates. The pattern she chose for it is called Rail Run by Mountain Peek Creations, I am pretty excited to see this one finished.

Jenn is working on a Sew Kind of Wonderful Quilt using LuLu Lane by Corey Yoder. This one will also be available as a class when she is finished, so be sure to watch for more details on that.
I am about halfway finished the blocks for a new sample using the Botanica Fabric Collection by Crystal Manning and a pattern called Shortcake by Cluck Cluck Sew. Hopefully I can get the quilt top done soon and get it on the Longarm this week or next.

I also cut out a Llama Love quilt this afternoon. This is the boxed kit that came in from Moda, and I fell in love with it the minute I seen it.
What are you working on right now? Are you starting something new or working on finishing up some older projects?
This afternoon we had a cup of tea at my Dads parents who are in their late 70s and tomorrow my Grandpa on my Moms side is celebrating his 88th Birthday so I am planning to take my boys over to his place to celebrate with him and my Grandma. I am so thankful to have both sets of my grandparents alive, well and living close by, it is such a blessing to be able to spend time with them, and I often take it for granted.
Have a good week, and be sure to check out the classes tab on our website for the classes taking place this month.
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